
FB Posts…Shilly Shtuff

  1. Merry Chlistmas everyone!
    I know. There’s Noel in Christmas


  1. How Gullible are You?   IF YU Kan Reed THS, Y’ve alreddy wasted 5 sekonds of yur Lyfe. Zeriously


  1. Ho Hum.
    Sitting around, doin’ nuthin’.
    I am now Bored Certified. And qualified to practice being bored at any NV hospital. Yes!


  1. Best Labor Day Weekend Ever…even though it’s Memorial Day


  1. What am I missing here:
    May the June 4th be with you?


  1. “I have nothing to say right now. And it shows.”
    The above quip was written for David Hardiman by AI


  1. I visited the Oreos website and a pop-up asked me if I’d accept their cookies.
    Of course. That’s why I’m there. For the cookies.


  1. What if…Oh never mind. Then again, maybe. Right?
    Cuz, y’know, it could. In fact, it probably is.


  1. This new Chinese restaurant is kinda glum. At the end of the meal, they give you an Unfortunate Cookie.    And, according to their website, you have to accept their cookies.


  1. Q. What did John, Paul, George and Ringo drink at breakfast?
    A. Well, Beatle Juice of course.

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