
Posts Tagged ‘list’

Famous Lines from Movies That Haven’t Been Made Yet

  1. The truth I can handle. Your breath is another story.
  2. Houston, we have a polyp.
  3. Now do you understand why there’s a Sawzall on my nightstand?
  4. If they make Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 2 ” Life moves pretty fast. If you stop and do laundry once in a while, you could run out of pants.”
  5. Doggone it! If you can’t lend me a hand, then how about a paw?
  6. But I don’t need a third nostril.
  7. If they make The Wizard of Oz in Alaska: “There’s no place like Nome. There’s no place like Nome.”
  8. Now you’re telling me we’re out of toilet paper? It’s too late.
  9. You’re an *sshole because every time we talk you manage to work in the word “rawdogging.”
  10. Abner! Get away from that teat now. That milk is for baby ocelots, not for you.
  11. You had me at, “I’m a millionaire.”

♫ I Feel Witty. Oh So Witty ♫

I just hit 18,000 followers. Amazing that Facebook would let me create 17,852 fake accounts.


Found out the hard way:
There is no “eye of the avalanche“


Years ago, erotic records were played on pornographs. They were groovy. They had to be in order to be played.


Let’s all say wunderkind together. Ready? 1, 2, 3…WUNDERKIND!


I lost my eye protection again. I guess I’ll have to do a Goggle search.


Frog on frog violence is sometimes the result of Toad Rage


For the last time, strawberry traffic jam is not a flavor


Is there a difference between milquetoast, and milk toast?

Observations From One of Your Favorite Organisms (Me):

1. There are few things I enjoy in life more than knocking sh*t off my nightstand at 3 am
2. Have you ever noticed how you sometimes see John Stamos and Rob Lowe in the same place? That’s because they’re two different people.
3. Sad Fact: Now that I’m older I no longer get the Zoomies.
4. Is the Ferry Building in San Francisco spelled correctly? Cuz I thought…oh never mind
5. No one talks about how when you screw a lid back onto a jar, you have to turn it backwards first until it clicks into place. Only then can you go forward.
I think there’s a great life lesson here.
And that lesson is: Screw It!

Little Known Stock Ticker Symbols and Their Businesses

  1. SMH – Shake My Head Industries. Helps people cope with all that’s happening around them.
  2. STFU – Manufacturers of dog muzzles and gun silencers
  3. LOL – A national bakery. They make clown pies that taste funny.
  4. FAQ – How people in Boston say f*ck
  5. YOLO – Publishes stories of Near Death Experiences. CEO says business is dead.
  6. WTF – Makers of precision adult undergarments and medical supplies. Custom catheters, personalized pacemakers and digitized adult diapers.
  7. ASAP – Makers of Speed Bumps and Stop Signs
  8. FWIW – A Buffalo Springfield song
  9. TBA – This company has big plans they hope to tell people about sometime in the future
  10. DIY – An educational group for serial masturbaters
  11. AKA – FYI, this company is known by many names
  12. XOXO – Manufacturer of Huggies Diapers and Hershey’s Kisses

Notes I’m Adding to My Resumé

  1. Remember, Jesus didn’t graduate high school either.
  2. I had nothing to do with the Lindbergh baby kidnapping. Well, almost nothing.
  3. I don’t like social media influencers. I’m more of an anti-social media influencer.
  4. I’m at my best when I’m eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
  5. I don’t care what the court order says, I wasn’t stalking Marlo Thomas, Marlo Thomas was stalking me.
  6. I’m a little anal in the kitchen. I make Tidy Joe’s
  7. Since it’ll come out anyway. Remember, the word “manslaughter” has many interpretations
  8. Since it’ll come out anyway. I have to ask, “Does this job require more than 7 fingers.”
  9. Since it’ll come out anyway. I’ve visited the grave of Regis Philbin 28 times, but (and I think this counts for a lot), I’ve only visited the grave of Charles Manson once.
  10. I think Groundhog Day has become a shadow of its former self..
  11. The eggs I’ve eaten are now just a shell of their former selves.
  12. Crystal Meth is not all it’s cracked-up to be.
  13. Since it’ll come out anyway. You should know upfront that, when I’m in one of my moods, I like to wear men’s underwear.
  14. Since it’ll come out anyway. I hope my conjoined twin Henry (embedded deeply in my left clavicle) is neither distracting nor disqualifying. And don’t worry. I’ll pay him out of what you pay me. Being just an elfin head and one feeble hand, Henry pretty much goes along with everything I say. I mean what’s he gonna do, go on a hunger strike.
  15. Since it’ll come out at some anyway I should just tell you upfront I like to watch women breast feed….and it’s not even a sexual thing. It’s more about nourishing and healing the planet. Yeah, that’s it. It’s about healing the planet.
  16. Since it’ll come out anyway. I have pictures of every Cat Woman there’s ever been. I’ve even visited the grave of Julie Newmar….and she’s still alive. At least according to the drone I have circling her home. 
  17. I don’t really possess tangible humor. I just have a sense of humor.
  18. For both our sakes, I’ll ask you to please read this resumé carefully as some of my menu items have recently changed.
  19.  Based on this resumé, and even though this is not a medical emergency, you should probably call 9-1-1 anyway


Bonus Thought:

If there were cell phones at the time of Christ, I believe the apostles would’ve done a lot less following, and a lot more face timing: “Check out this sermon Paul.”

“Yeah Luke, he’s like standing on a little rocky prominence saying some really cool sh*t. Anyway, we should play Words with Friends. There’s an app for it.”

“Oh Paul, you really put the app in apostle.”



Manners Maketh Man (ways I’m trying to be more polite)

  1. When I give cashiers my credit card, stop saying, “Take it bitch”
  2. Never make a poodle owner feel uncomfortable by saying, “What the hell is wrong with you? Do you not see all that disgusting red, crusty sludge dripping from your poodle’s eyes? Jesus, wipe it off lady.”
  3. No more “free back rubs” to who’s ever sitting in front of me at church
  4. It’s not a conversation starter to say, “Boy, my Aunt Clara…she can really go through a roll of toilet paper.”
  5. Stop asking fat guys if they’re pregnant. And, unless you see a baby emerging from her body, never, ever ask a woman if she’s pregnant.


<Break> Hello friend, I’m glad you’ve taken the time to enjoy this list (now that’s polite – I’m learning)


  1. I no longer go thru a Taco Bell drive-thru in reverse (but it was fun)
  2. All roll-on deodorant must be applied with the roll-ees permission
  3. When meeting someone for the first time, it’s not important to know whether they fold or bunch
  4. All sniffing must be consensual – as in, “May I please sniff your ______ (body area you’re interested in sniffing)?” And wait for a response. Don’t just start sniffing.
  5. No more asking Boy Scouts to “Pull my finger” (unless, of course they’re trying to earn a “Pull My Finger” merit badge)


Note: I still like to pick-up lunch at Burger King, and then go up to strangers and say, “Would you like to see my Whopper?”




1. Watching Babe Ruth’s home run trot around the bases and wondering how his tiny little ankles didn’t break under the strain of his hulking torso
2. Where I was when I first heard the word “delicatessen.” I know. You too, right. And then I found out you could actually shorten it to “deli.” Wow!
3. The day my mom brought home Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries. OMG. I mean Captain Crunch I got. I could wrap my mind around Captain Crunch. But the whole crunch berries thing was like pouring milk on the fire. And that singular event was pretty much the dividing line for everything in my life. Everything that happened before crunch berries and everything that came after crunch berries. You too right.
4. When Jan first said, “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!”
5. That time our dog threw-up in my mouth:…/this-preposterous-anecdote…/
6. Seeing my grandmother naked. Well, how was I to know she pole-danced in her room for exercise.
7. My tea party playdates with my imaginary friends Little Debbie, Wendy and Waldo. Friends would ask, “Where’s Waldo?” And I’d say, “How can you not see him? He’s right there next to Wendy. There’s Waldo.”
I always invited Carmen Sandiego too, but she never showed. It’s like, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Incidentally: I’m still waiting for a reboot of “These Boots are Made for Walking”…listening Nancy Sinatra. If she can’t reboot “Boots” she can at least resole it. Then again, maybe I should just settle for “These Boots are Made for Walken.” Does the name Christopher Walken ring a bell – a cowbell.

Things I No Longer Need to Be Reminded Of

1. That smoking is not allowed on airplanes, or in the lavatories. You may however, vape on the wings.
2. That occasionally, your spouse can be used as a flotation device.
3. That Twitter is now known as X. As in it’s an ex-useful platform.
4. That if I’m experiencing a medical emergency I should hang up and call Dr. Rick from Progressive Insurance
5. That too many “that’s” spoil a list and that’s that.
6. That there is no #6, and stop reminding me of that.
7. That “Too many cooks spoil the moth.” Fortunately cooks rarely prepare moth dishes. Maybe Buffalo Moth Wings, but that’s about it.
8. That Quinn Martin and Jack Webb were cut from the same cloth (that esoteric joke was for my own pleasure. I’m such a selfish sh*t)
9. That Sonny and Cher won’t be getting back together. At least not until Cher dies (I know…Boo)
10. That I won’t be getting back together. At least not until a few more sessions with my psychiatrist.
11. There is no #11. I mean there is a number 11, but just not in this list.
SOS: And if you can hear me Taylor, call me when Travis isn’t around. I’ve got news about Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Big News!

FB Posts…Shilly Shtuff

  1. Merry Chlistmas everyone!
    I know. There’s Noel in Christmas


  1. How Gullible are You?   IF YU Kan Reed THS, Y’ve alreddy wasted 5 sekonds of yur Lyfe. Zeriously


  1. Ho Hum.
    Sitting around, doin’ nuthin’.
    I am now Bored Certified. And qualified to practice being bored at any NV hospital. Yes!


  1. Best Labor Day Weekend Ever…even though it’s Memorial Day


  1. What am I missing here:
    May the June 4th be with you?


  1. “I have nothing to say right now. And it shows.”
    The above quip was written for David Hardiman by AI


  1. I visited the Oreos website and a pop-up asked me if I’d accept their cookies.
    Of course. That’s why I’m there. For the cookies.


  1. What if…Oh never mind. Then again, maybe. Right?
    Cuz, y’know, it could. In fact, it probably is.


  1. This new Chinese restaurant is kinda glum. At the end of the meal, they give you an Unfortunate Cookie.    And, according to their website, you have to accept their cookies.


  1. Q. What did John, Paul, George and Ringo drink at breakfast?
    A. Well, Beatle Juice of course.

As I Get Older

1. My favorite fruit is elderberries (the older the elder, the better)
2. Favorite name is Jerry Atrick
3. My favorite dog bark is “AARP”
4. Favorite special is the Early Bird Special (finish dinner @ 4:55😃)
5. At the height of summer, I go to bed while it’s still light out
6. The Lawrence Welk Show…not as corny as I once thought – especially those Bobby & Sissy dance numbers
7. In my garage I’ve got a centerfold pin-up of Meryl Streep from “Only Murders in the Building”
8. I now pee in Morse Code
9. For no reason I know, I now call my refrigerator, the Kelvinator
10. Castor oil? It’s good for what ails you.