
Posts Tagged ‘forget’


1. Watching Babe Ruth’s home run trot around the bases and wondering how his tiny little ankles didn’t break under the strain of his hulking torso
2. Where I was when I first heard the word “delicatessen.” I know. You too, right. And then I found out you could actually shorten it to “deli.” Wow!
3. The day my mom brought home Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries. OMG. I mean Captain Crunch I got. I could wrap my mind around Captain Crunch. But the whole crunch berries thing was like pouring milk on the fire. And that singular event was pretty much the dividing line for everything in my life. Everything that happened before crunch berries and everything that came after crunch berries. You too right.
4. When Jan first said, “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!”
5. That time our dog threw-up in my mouth:…/this-preposterous-anecdote…/
6. Seeing my grandmother naked. Well, how was I to know she pole-danced in her room for exercise.
7. My tea party playdates with my imaginary friends Little Debbie, Wendy and Waldo. Friends would ask, “Where’s Waldo?” And I’d say, “How can you not see him? He’s right there next to Wendy. There’s Waldo.”
I always invited Carmen Sandiego too, but she never showed. It’s like, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Incidentally: I’m still waiting for a reboot of “These Boots are Made for Walking”…listening Nancy Sinatra. If she can’t reboot “Boots” she can at least resole it. Then again, maybe I should just settle for “These Boots are Made for Walken.” Does the name Christopher Walken ring a bell – a cowbell.

Top 10 Signs You May Have Alzheimer’s Disease

  1. You don’t think you have it
  2. You start a joke: “A rabbi, a priest and an atheist walk into a room”…and then you forget why they went in there.
  3. You thought the Ice Bucket Challenge would’ve cured it by now
  4. Sppeling detriorates
  5. You feel you’re in New Jersey all the time because you fuggedaboutit.
  6. You know it’s important to observe the first rule of Fight Club, but you just can’t remember it.
  7. You think you can make fun of it in a stupid little list
  8. You can only think of 8 reasons why you may have Alzheimer’s when you said you’d list 10.