Posts Tagged ‘california’
The California Drought – What’s a resident to do? (Mainstream Version)
What if your tap was tapped-out? What if you turned on your faucet and the only sound you heard was the telltale groan of a creaky system run dry? Instead of water emerging from your pipes you’d be mocked by the mournful cry of Chewbacca’s melancholy wail. This decidedly bleak future from the Dark Side may yet come to pass if California doesn’t get some rain soon. May the Force reign over us and then rain over us. Having such a plentiful resource suddenly morph into a scarce commodity is a new experience to a state perennially flush with nature’s bounty. And if John Q. Public doesn’t have enough problems deciding which photos to delete from his capacity-filled iPhone, now he has to make a Sophie’s choice between watering his begonia or irrigating his wife’s petunia. I know which one I’d choose. Read the rest of this entry »
The California Drought – Finally a Disaster We Can All Agree On
Few things bind a country together more tightly than an attack on our shared interests. 911 proved that as did the hasty return of the McRib sandwich after MacDonald’s unwisely removed it from their menu. And now the latest wagon-circling calamity: California’s third year of record drought brought about by the coordinated efforts of El Niña and Al-Qaeda. Alright maybe Al-Qaeda has nothing to do with it, but they’re sure happy about our parched state (get it). If a rising tide lifts all boats, well then a falling tide makes them look like cock-eyed toy boats run aground in a bathtub. And right now California looks like somebody drained all the fun out of our hot tub. Read the rest of this entry »