Posts Tagged ‘dispensary’
Things I’ve Overheard at the Marijuana Dispensary
- I’m organizing a 2-Mile Run to promote Metric System Awareness
- I’m tellin’ ya…Chuck Norris has no safe word
- They asked the Marquis De Sade’s wife why she stays with him.
What did she say?
Beats me.
- They asked the married cannibals why they stayed together.
What did they say?
Eats me!
- Remember what Narcissus said to himself before bed: “You had me at me.”
- What are you reading?
Oh, it’s the poorly selling sequel to The Little Engine That Could
Really? What’s it called?
The Little Engine That Threw a Rod
- Do you know he was never sick a day in his life. Nope, he did all his puking at night.
- That little girl scout out front selling her cookies– she sure knows her market
- I’m jittery, like a squirrel, about ready to cross a busy highway. If only I remembered where I buried my nuts.
- I’m tellin’ ya…Chuck Norris has no bucket list items
- I never feel quite right watching a Thursday Night edition of Monday Night Football. Those are weak days.
- I have it on good authority that when you die, they ask you to take a brief “How did we do?” survey. And I didn’t think they cared.