- I don’t know. I don’t want to know. Let’s just hope it’s consensual.
- It’s one of those English baking shows where they teach you how to use a rolling pin
- No money was exchanged, although a little later, phone numbers were exchanged
- Bottom guy to top guy: “Gees mister, your church sure has a weird way of praying. This is a church – right?”
- TSA “Pat Down” class…as taught by a substitute teacher
- This is from a Holistic Laxative Clinic where practitioners have found a kinder, gentler way to encourage movement. I’ve heard of “greasing the skids,” but this is ridiculous
- I think the guy on top is a recent immigrant who lives at the facility and owes traffickers thousands.
- Police Frisking Class: New method of ass-uaging the perpetrator
- That is one helluva suppository.
- Firemen getting in-service instruction in FST: Fart Suppression Training
- And in actuality it’s a pic from Syracuse University Football’s Strength & Conditioning operation