
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up (even though I did)

The Catholic Church has decided to modernize its URL from “” to “”


In France, when famed mime Marcel Marceau died, the French observed a national moment of screaming for him. He was later ceremoniously interred in the Pantheon in Paris – in the same invisible box he had such difficulty getting out of when he was alive.


The word “synonym” is almost a homonym for “cinnamon.” Similarly “how ya been” is almost a homonym for “homonym.” And this is why so many are homonymphobic.


A proctologist was hurt when his chair collapsed at a local bar. As usual, the proctologist blamed it all on a loose stool.


A Happy Ending for Everyone

Robert Kraft’s limo was caught on surveillance video at a West Palm Beach Jiffy Lube getting its dipstick wiped clean. “It was just maintenance. Nothing more.” said the chauffeur. No charges were filed…other than the charges for the jiffy lube.
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