
Famous Lines from Movies That Haven’t Been Made Yet

  1. The truth I can handle. Your breath is another story.
  2. Houston, we have a polyp.
  3. Now do you understand why there’s a Sawzall on my nightstand?
  4. If they make Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 2 ” Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and do laundry once in a while, you could run out of pants.”
  5. Doggone it! If you can’t lend me a hand, then how about a paw?
  6. But I don’t need a third nostril.
  7. If they make The Wizard of Oz in Alaska: “There’s no place like Nome. There’s no place like Nome.”
  8. Now you’re telling me we’re out of toilet paper? It’s too late.
  9. You’re an *sshole because every time we talk you manage to work in the word “rawdogging.”
  10. Abner! Get away from that teat now. That milk is for baby ocelots, not for you.
  11. You had me at, “I’m a millionaire.”

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