Posts Tagged ‘enemy’
Things I Wouldn’t Wish on My Worst Enemy
Being told you can’t be part of a Class Action Lawsuit because you have no class
- Cocaine Bear
- Being forced to binge-watch One Life to Live – this is especially tough for people who believe in reincarnation
- A girlfriend who keeps putting air quotes around your penis
- You crack open an egg and an angry lizard comes out and attacks you. You try to laugh it off, but soon discover – this is no yolk.
- I wouldn’t wish You on my worst enemy – especially when you’re in one of your “moods”
- A judge decreeing you must be catheterized for non-payment of a parking ticket
- Another judge sentencing you to a year of circumcising elephants for not smiling when getting catheterized for not paying your parking ticket. Well, as far as the elephant thing goes; the pay might not be great, but I hear the tips are tremendous.
- When trying to go to bed, you have to listen to an endless White noise loop of someone snoring
- You have to perform at a “Gentleman’s Club” under the name of Candy Samples. Although the pay might not be great, I hear the tips are tremendous.
- In writing a very important letter, your spellcheck doesn’t work, so the parole board fully realizes what an undeserving dipsh*t you really are
- To get waterboarded with Yoo-hoo
- Waking up on the moon
- Having to put out a restraining order against the Dalai Lama because he’s after your sorry ass.
- Where you believe that even though superficial evidence seems to indicate that you are just a person living in your body, completely separate and distinct from God and everyone else. That would be foolhardy…and narrow. Some people think this tip is tremendous.
Enemy Yemeni
Sector Q Counterinsurgency Task Force – Alpha Group
Dateline Yemen:
Corpsman: The combatants have dug in at the oasis just beyond the mirage.
Captain: Good work soldier. We need to know their numbers. How many enemy Yemeni are there?
Corpsman: Iraq my brain and I still don’t know how many enemy Yemeni.
Captain: This is really what I’m asking you.
Corpsman: What Israeli?
Captain: Oh, please be Syrias. We’ll need our face masks for the firefight. Where are they?
Corpsman: I am being serious. Damascus on the table. They were very expensive.
Captain: Yeah the masks were expensive; Egypt us.
Corpsman: Who jipped us?
Captain: No. Who, is the guy on first base.
Corpsman: What about that Jew on second?
Captain: Lowenstein is not a Jew. That Israeli true. Ikanstan this anymore. I’m too old and my knees hurt. And no matter how much they hurt – you can’t Sudanese.
Corpsman: Oman. That is really true.You can’t sue the knees but you can Suez.
Captain: That Israeli true. Tell me about it. In fact Tel Aviv.
Corpsman: OK. Hey Aviv. Do you know how many enemy Yemeni are at the oasis?
Aviv: No, the whole thing’s a mirage. Fallujah, didn’t I?