
Posts Tagged ‘sickle’

Did You Know?

  1. Remember when they were the supposed enemy?

    Communists suffer from Hammer & Sickle Cell Anemia

  2. Children are sick of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
  3. All lobsters are shellfish. When was the last time one lent you a helping claw?
  4. Empowered crabs say, “The world is our oyster.”
  5. Steroidal mussels suffer from ‘roid rage
  6. Stool pigeons told to clam up
  7. Dog traces picture of cat after watching alpha dog do the same. The pack is calling it a copycat mime
  8. The band “10 Years After” is getting back together and touring under the new name “50 Years Before”
  9. Beethoven had a Bee in his thoven.
  10. Midwives who live in halfway houses rarely go all the way