
Great, and Not-So-Great Greeks

  1. Sophocles – A great Greek playwright
  2. Testicles (rhymes with Sophocles) – A not-so-great maker of sacs


  1. Pythagoras – A great mathematician and discoverer of a2+ b2 = c2
  2. Esophagus – This one may be a tough one to swallow, but he was a not-so-great chef.


  1. Zorba the Greek – Broke plates and partied like it was 1999 BC
  2. Zorba the Freak – Ate plates and partied like it was Y2K BC


  1. Archimedes – Another great mathematician. Archimedes was so screwed.
  2. Diabetes – He and his brother Pancreas were always slipping into not-so-great comas


  1. Odysseus – Great Greek king and warrior of the Trojan War
  2. Peristalsis – A not-so-great Greek. You may find this hard to digest, but Peristalsis was the mortal enemy of Vomitus.


  1. Prometheus – A great Greek who brought fire into the world
  2. Bursitis – A not-so-great Greek who brought rheumatism into the world  


  1. Herodotus – A great Greek historian. Herodotus wrote in exquisite detail about the Persian wars.
  2. Platypus – A duck-billed Athenian. Always in debt. He’d say. “Just put it on my bill.’
  3. Platypussy – Platypus’s wife. Also known as Connie.


  1. Anthony Quinn – He wasn’t even Greek although he starred in Zorba the Greek
  2. Annette Funicello – I don’t even know what she’s doing in this list.


  1. Moussaka – A great Greek dish of layered eggplant, ground beef and potatoes
  2. Moose-saka – Same dish but with antlers. Not-so-great.
  3. Meese-saka – More than one Moose-saka

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