Posts Tagged ‘variety’
How Do You Like Them Apples?
A Variety of Apple Varieties
- Red Delicious – Very American
- Bloody Delicious – Very English
- Rome Beauty – Known as the Sophia Loren apple. Curvy and sweet.
- Johnny Rottenseed – English Punk Apple
- LGBT Cutie – They say one bite of this forbidden fruit and you’ll never go back. Great apple, but it’s kinda hard to breed.
- Golden Delicious – An American favorite
- Brown and Not-so-Delicious – A prison favorite (actually a Golden Delicious that didn’t sell at the supermarket)
- Fuji – Popularity is skyrocketing
- Emoji – Popularity is
- Pippin – A popular apple and musical. They almost produce the same thing: One generates applesauce, the other applause. Appleplause.
- Macintosh – 32 bytes in every Apple
- Gravenstein – Tomb in a tankard, the grave-in-stein apple is an IPA craft fruit
- Granny Smith – Crisp and tart
- Mealy Smith – Soft and bland. People with dentures swear by them or at least near them.
- Vermont Black – A now extinct variety. It seems there are no longer any Blacks left in Vermont.
- Pink Lady – Flavorful and sweet
- Pink Ladyboy – Popular in San Francisco. Very Fruity. Also flavorful and sweet.
- Dark Lady – A favorite of Cher. ♫Dark Lady laughed and danced and lit the candles one by one♫
- That Ain’t No Lady, That’s My Wife – Henny Youngman helped to develop this apple
- Fat Man – Atomically delicious. It’s the only apple that has a half-life.
- Apple Corps – What’s a list without a Beatle reference?
- Gala – A Gala day keeps the doctor away. A gal a day is plenty for me.