
Test-Marketing Pasta Shapes for 2024

  1. Womanicotti – It’s much curvier than Manicotti, and more considerate too
  2. Tonytoni – A street-smart pasta, shaped like Tony Danza
  3. Buttaroni – A favorite of the Kardashians
  4. Angel Nose Pasta – As you can well imagine, it smells heavenly
  5. Bolo Tie Pasta – Far from Farfalle, it’s popular with cowboys
  6. Knocky – Not Gnocchi, but similar
  7. Cavatelli Savalas – Shaped like Kojak’s chrome dome
  8. Testicallini – Usually served in pairs
  9. Spaghetti F’s – If you liked Spaghetti O’s, you’ll love Spaghetti F’s. They are F’n good
  10. Vomitcelli – This pasta often comes-up in conversation, and in actuality too
  11. Microroni – Macaroni’s tiny little brother.

Buon Appetito Everyone!



  1. Lunguine – We can all breathe a little easier with this pasta shape
  2. Service Dog Pasta – The world weary draw nutritional and emotional support while chowing down on pasta in the shape of service dogs
  3. Angel Hair – A classic
  4. Angel Pubic Hair – A curlicue classic. Did you know, that every time someone starts a podcast, an angel loses their pubic hair
  5. Crazo – If you like Orzo you’ll love this looney tunes pasta
  6. Crackatini –Not trying to be cheeky here, butt they’re Derriere-licious.
  7. Scrotatelli – Much like ravioli, a pillowy pouch suitable for stuffing with meat or cheese
  8. Tamponelli – People seem to use it about the same time each month.
  9. Groinacolli – Favorite pasta of crotchety old men
  10. Spermacetti – Make up your own joke (there’s only 5000)


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