Archive for the ‘Ditties’ Category
Collected FB Posts
1. Here are some of my favorite numbers:
Novocain, Lidocaine…
Before you continue, you should know the “b” in numbers is silent.
2. There are no recorded cases of Siamese twins playing Hide and Seek.
Or if there was, the game was over really fast.
3. Remember the Fonts from Happy Days?
He was a really cool type.
4. A E
And sometimes.
5. July is Leaf Blower Awareness month. So is Aug, Sept, Oct…

FB Post
I dislike dyslexics. I dislike lichens.
I like relinquishing licorice. I like relishing liquor.
However clever, I can’t stand to sit.
As I Get Older

A Very Esoteric Thought from a Very Retired Man
All part of my “If You’re Not Going to Think About It, I Will” series
Do you think the actor Treat Williams’s parents looked at their newborn son and thought, “Should we call him John or Treat? Hmmm. Let’s go with Treat?”
And the name served him well except for Halloween, when he’d get all tongue-tied at the door and say, “Trick or Me.”
On the Road to Galilee 22 AD
A band of Spaniards had come all the way from La Mancha to seek out the young Jesus, who was then ministering in Galilee. Over hill and dale they searched for the Messiah.
Spotting the Lord and his entourage walking in the distance, their leader beckoned to him:
The Man of La Mancha: Hey Zeus! Hey Zeus! Is that you?
Jesus and his apostles stopped and addressed the yearning acolytes. Peter gently corrected the man of La Mancha, “My friend, that is not Zeus. It’s Jesus. He is God, but he’s far from the Greek mythological God you’re confusing him with. Your group must be from Athens.
The Man of La Mancha: No sir. We’re from Spain and I know that’s Hey Zeus.
Peter: Hey Zeus? Oh, you mean Jesus. I get it. You speak Spanish and pronounce Jesus as Hey Zeus with a J that sounds like an H. Got it. Hey, be careful with that. I mean don’t go calling St. Joe, St. Hoe.
The LDS Bachelor
Just finished watching the Mormon version of The Bachelor. Wow!
He narrowed it down to 4 women, and then married all of them.